
I am Bérénice, a bioinformatician and computational biologist.

I am a post-doc in the in the Freiburg Galaxy Team (Backofen lab, Bioinformatics group). I analyze biological data (metagenomics, HTS data, evolution) and develops tools to facilitate data analysis, mainly via Galaxy. Since February 2017, I am IUC member.

I am also passionate about training. I am regularly gives workshops on data analysis, tool development and also as Carpentries instructor. I co-lead the Galaxy Training Network effort to develop and maintain a collection of Galaxy-related training material. I am also the co-deputy of the training coordinator for ELIXIR Germany (de.NBI).

Because working open is an evidence for me, I join the Mozilla Open Leaders and I am now a mentor there, but also for the Carpentries.

Before, I worked on gut microbiota using metagenomic and metatranscriptomic. I developped ASaiM, a bioinformatic environment to study gut microbiota samples with an analysis framework using Galaxy. And during my PhD, I worked on reductive genome evolution of the cyanobacteria Prochlorococcus. To study this particular phenomenon, I used two approaches: